con la Ciccia

Tortello di patate al cinghiale in bianco ......................................15€
(potatoes filled pasta with boar sauce)
Tartare di manzo ......................................................................15€

(beef tartare with cappers mayo and crisp bread)
Roast Beef con senape in grani e spinaci .....................................16€

(roast beef with mustard and fresh spinach)
Straccetti di manzo ai funghi di stagione ....................................15€

(strips of beef with mushrooms)
Vitello tonnato del fiorino ..........................................................15€

(veal with tuna sauce)

con il Pesce

Cacciucchino a modo nostro ......................................................16€

(fish soup with tomatoes sauce)
Crocchetta di baccalà con salsa aioli ..........................................13€

(fried cod fish with garlic mayo)
Pacchero fresco al ragu di seppie ...............................................15€

(pasta with fish sauce)
Trofia al pesto, tartare di gamberi rosa e crumble di taralli .........15€

(pasta with pesto sauce, pink shrimps tartare and taralli crumble)
Salmone marinato al caffè con salsa olandese ............................17€

(Salmon marinated with cooffee with eggs sauce)
Ombrina al cartoccio .................................................................18€

(croacker in foil)

con le Verdure

Rigatone alla sorrentina con provola affumicata e melanzana ....12€

(pasta with tomatoes sauce, smoked cheese and eggplants)
Caprese di burrata ...................................................................10€

(mozzarella and fresh tomatoes salad)